Broke my bed, woo fun!

So recently my bed’s been a bit funny, kinda leaned to one side lower than the other, turned out I somehow managed to break my bed! To be fair though it didn’t break proper until earlier this week when I had a sudden shock from that feeling like you’re falling. then I did fall because the bed base broke entirely! I tried to curl up to sleep on the bed in the spare bedroom until I could have help getting bed disassembled and moved so I could put my mattress down to sleep in my own bed, that wasn’t until way later though.

I could hear so much more going on when I was curled up trying to sleep in the spare room (which used to be my room when I was younger), I appreciate where I sleep now so much more, except when it rains, there’s a metal car port roof outside my bedroom at my neighbor’s house.

I know, it’s not much, but at least I’m writing something!

OH! Before I forget, I have a ko-fi goal now to help get a new GPU for my computer (because I’d like to try to stream and my current one is dying). I’m trying to save myself for it to, but since most of what I get goes towards me actually not being unalive, it’s kinda demoralizing when I see my own progress. ?

Here’s a link though! Ko-fi goal, a new GPU!

I’m out for now, it’s 0537 here (5:37AM) and I’m trying to get my sleep schedule back to what is normal for me, at least trying to anyway.

Hugs and boops people!

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